Fall Internship Reflection

Is it just me, or did this semester fly? My fall internship at GrandPR is coming to a close, finals are right around the corner, and client projects are coming to a halt. This down time has given me an opportunity to reflect on the past semester that I’ve been privileged enough to spend with 24 exceptional associates and one incredible firm. 

When I contemplated applying for GrandPR, I had a number of other aspects to think about. I had two jobs already, a full class load, and a social life to consider. I thought that already having one internship up my sleeve was enough and that it might be too much to handle to take on another. As the deadline approached, I decided to apply. I figured I need as much experience as I could get before graduating in April.  I thought it would be a great opportunity to further my knowledge of conducting business in the PR field and get to know my APR peers.

I was originally hired as an Account Executive. This made me nervous, because I’ve never managed anyone but myself.  But, with the help of Adrienne and Derek’s first meeting with the executives and their “Tips for Surviving GPR E-board,” I felt much more confident in myself and how the semester would be conducted. It took a couple of weeks for the teams to get used to schedules, deadlines, and projects, but for a group of 24 students with full class loads and other commitments, I think we handled the semester damn well!

The beauty of an experience like this? Getting to learn on both personal and professional levels. I learned my strengths, my weaknesses, and what I’m most passionate about. Week in and week out, we were challenged - we collaborated, we wrote, and we designed. My fellow APR students are the people I’ve learned to turn to when I’m struggling with anything.

A “thank you” is essential to the 24 associates. They have set aside time with friends to meet deadlines. They have given up Netflix nights to come up with design materials. They have made coffee runs to help support their other coffee-loving PR peeps. They have given advice about clients from their personal experiences.  They have become not just co-workers but friends.

While on the subject of extraordinary people, we should acknowledge our mentors. We may not have made it all the way to December without the help of these rock stars. They have invested in us as students as if we were their co-workers. We will soon be placed into the work force, and I know I am not only speaking for myself when I say that they have prepared us to the best of their abilities. So thank you (x100) Adrienne and Derek. The investment you have made with your time for our professional lives is something I am immensely grateful for.

Also, thank you GrandPR. I’m at a loss of adjectives to describe this semester other than awesome and amazing. 



Lauren is a senior studying Advertising and Public Relations, emphasizing in Public Relations, at Grand Valley State University. She plans to graduate in April 2016 and would love to travel and utilize her minor in Spanish. In Lauren’s spare time, you can find her polishing her Pinterest boards, enjoying anything peanut butter, watching Lifetime movies, or enjoying everything that West Michigan has to offer.
