4 Steps to Get Back Into the Swing of Things
I hate to burst your summer bubble, but the start of fall classes are right around the corner. I've compiled a few tips to help prepare you for the start of class so you can get the most out of your peers, professors, and semester.
Step 1: Read
No, I don’t mean start reading your textbooks. I want you to read articles, blogs, and news that is relevant to your industry and the world around you. Set aside at least 15 minutes a day and read something of intellectual worth. Considering that every major Ad/PR firm has their own blog and the Presidential Race is starting up, there shouldn’t be a shortage of things for you to read. Make it your goal to read one blog or article related to your field of interest or related to current events every day. In taking the time to expand where you find your reading material, you’ll also open yourself up to more knowledge, understanding, and skills you can bring into your industry. It is through reading that you gain the tools and innovative skills to improve your writing, resources, and knowledge. We know Netflix sounds much more enjoyable, but give yourself 15 minutes a day to try and learn something new. You’ll thank us later.
Step 2: Write
Once you've started educating yourself beyond the realm of reading tabloids on the beach, it’s time to start sharing your knowledge about what you’ve learned. Writing is good for you, despite that it often seems tedious even if you enjoy it more than others. There are hundreds of benefits of taking the time to write. A few obvious ones that might catch your appeal are the opportunity to expand your portfolio, branding yourself, and improving your writing skills so you’re up to par in the real world. Taking the time to write a short piece or two each week can benefit your writing skills, help you develop your “voice” and create opportunities to improve your resume. A great way to hold yourself accountable for consistently writing is to start a blog. Begin with writing pieces that are relevant to your fields of interest, as you get more comfortable with consistently writing, begin to challenge yourself by expanding what you write about. To discover more benefits of writing, here’s a blog I wrote (see, writing is already helping me) for 834 Design & Marketing.
Step 3: Manage Your Time
Stop procrastinating, turn off Netflix, and start to be less spontaneous. Millennials have a bad reputation for being lazy. Don’t be one to perpetuate that stereotype. Time management is a huge part of success, both in college and the real world. I’m not saying you need to calculate every minute of the day, but improving how you plan your days will greatly improve the quantity and quality of the work you can accomplish. Set aside time every day to do school work, even if there’s nothing due. When it comes to crunch time, you’ll be thankful for the good habit of setting time aside and potentially be ahead on how much you need to get done for your classes. I’m often asked how I manage to work full time while attending school full time AND have time for a sport that easily consumes 25+ hours a week; the answer is always wicked time management skills. Figure out how long your standard assignment takes for each class, how much studying that class requires, and the time it takes to do fun stuff and makes sure you set aside enough time each day or week so that you never feel like you’re scrambling at the last minute to get your work done (or take a breath).
Step 4: Network
Join a club, organization, or even apply for an honor society. Start attending networking events. Grand Rapids hosts dozens of them every month for a variety of industries. Do something to get out there and meet people. Again, we know lurking on social media and binge watching your favorite TV show usually trumps human interaction, but the more you grow your network the easier finding an internship and/or job will be. If you want to wade into the water rather than jumping right in, come join GV PRSSA, we will be there and (we think) we’re pretty nice and fun to be around! If you’re still adamant about staying in your comfort zone, find some Twitter Chats for your industry to participate in. You’ll grow followers, be able to ask questions, contribute your own knowledge, and grow your networking pool from the comfort of your computer. When classes start, take the time to utilize your classmates and professors as resources for expanding your knowledge and expanding your network. We all have the same goals of bettering our industry and ourselves, so be bold and make the effort to talk to someone new. Networking can be intimidating, but it’ll be one of the best things you can do for your career.
Balancing a social life, job, clubs, and class schedule can be difficult. No one ever said having it all would be easy, but we’re here to tell you it can be done. Quit procrastinating and get ready, because welcome week is right around the corner. It’s time have your cake and eat it too.
Ashley is a senior seeking a degree in Advertising & Public Relations. Prior to returning to school, Ashley took 3 years off to adventure around the country learning from members of the United States Olympic 3-Day Eventing Team. These travels led to a lot of fun stories, an addiction to sweet-tea, and a relentless passion to pursue her goals. Additionally Ashley is a member of GV-PRSSA, is on the executive board for the ODK Honor Society, & is an account associate at Grand PR.
Currently Ashley is a technical writer and social media manager at 834 Design & Marketing while also working as a Digital Marketing & Public Relations Manager for Ecogold Equestrian Textiles. In her free time Ashley can usually be found out in Rockford, where she keeps her two horses: Donatello (named after the turtle, not the artist) & Valhalla (No, she’s hasn’t watched vikings, she’s just a nerd). Despite a busy schedule, she competes in the sport of 3-day eventing on a national level and gets the opportunities to chase all her dreams. Ashley’s interest in sports is not limited to horses, as she is an avid football, basketball, and hockey fan. When not at the barn, she can be found at a local brewery, consuming absurd amounts of coffee, or enjoying a good book.