Nationals in a Nutshell

Reflecting on this past week, I couldn’t have been more thrilled to return home to friends and family to share the amazing memories made from this year’s PRSSA National Conference that took place in Atlanta, Georgia.

We began our journey late Wednesday night by road tripping to Chicago O’Hare International Airport. We spent our sleepless night checking bags, waiting in ungodly long security lines and walking around the crowds just to make it to our respected gate on time. We filled the wait time with airplane food, coffee and slap-happy morning talks. Once it came time to board, we all instantly started smiling, feeling giddy and could hardly wait to take our seats.

We’ve always been told to take risks and constantly seize every opportunity we are offered to make the most of our four years in college. One of my favorite quotes sums this idea up perfectly, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

I took the opportunity given to me and didn’t look back. This was my first time experiencing a conference of this magnitude. I had no idea what to expect, but I knew whatever was to happen it was only going to benefit my future in a big way. At the hotel, I looked around in amazement. The excitement that flowed through the hotel kept my energy at an all time high.

The 5-day conference never had a dull moment. From morning Keynote speakers, to professional development workshops throughout the day, the opportunities were endless. Being able to network, not only with other students from PRSSA chapters across the nation, but those more experienced members of PRSA, who were also in attendance.

I have compiled the takeaway tips I thought were best for every individual wanting to become the best young professional they can be:

1) Everything Communicates – what you say and what you don’t say. Be simple. Be clear. Be awesome.

2) Find Good Mentors and Be a Good Mentor – there are 168 hours in a week. Someone will always be around to help you, even it is only for 20 minutes.

3) Roll with the Punches – not everything is going to go right 100% of the time. Be prepared, be focused and be versatile.

4) Dress for the Job You Want, Not the Job You Have – always look your best. Dress to impress. However, choose the comfier shoes.

This National Conference experience could not have gone better. I not only fell in love with PR all over again, but I had a new appreciation and understanding of it. I learned a lot about myself as a young professional, developed existing friendships and made new ones. 




Shannon Kaus is a senior at GVSU studying advertising and public relations.  A passionate and outgoing individual, she enjoys running, drinking coffee, and spending time with friends and family.



