How is your Hobby Like PR?
My favorite hobby is running. When asked, “How is running similar to PR” I say “that’s easy.” As a runner, I’ve learned many things about myself that not only pertain to being an athlete, but also to other aspects of my life. Running is not only a hobby, it’s a way of life. It’s something that did not come naturally or easily to me. It took a lot of hard work, dedication and friends who kept me motivated. Running reminds me of when I started college. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to study, but I knew that I needed to find something that challenged me and that I was passionate about. That is what I found in PR. Running parallels PR in many ways.
1. Consistency/Practice
With most things in life, practice makes perfect. Getting up early every morning and going for a run can be a struggle, but once you get going, it’s the best feeling in the world. The same goes for PR. Starting new classes can be a challenge, but once you get a feel for the rhythm of the class, it’s very exciting. Attending class everyday and doing the homework allows you to practice your skills before heading into a PR internship or job.
2. Passion/Motivation
Staying motivated with running is a mental and physical task. You have to be consistent and push yourself to be better. This is similar to PR. Having passion and loving what you do keeps you highly motivated to come up with promotions and ideas. Passion and motivation allows you to be confident and successful in both PR and running.
3. Fun
Enjoying what you do is something that makes your hobby or major last a life time. I run for many reasons (usually a charity or a cause). I do PR to support products and companies. It’s fun knowing you are supporting something worthwhile. If you don’t have fun while you work, what’s the point?
4. Benefits
The benefits of running are numerous, including being physically fit, feeling energized, stress relief and confidence. PR is the same in that, once you become good at it and establish credibility with a product and or a company, the feeling of accomplishment and success is overwhelming, just like running a marathon.
Shannon Kaus is a senior at GVSU studying advertising and public relations. A passionate and outgoing individual, she enjoys running, drinking coffee, and spending time with friends and family.